The Golden Gate Bridge is a marvelous, rusted, wondrous orange behemoth. On one hand it’s a visual phenomenon, the kind that requires millions of pictures a day. It is a structural diva that demands without saying a word. On the other hand, I’m sure it’s a nightmare for those just trying to get to work.
12 March 2022 Seeing the Golden Gate Bridge after nearly ten years. Photographer: Josephine Lynn
I do not know much of the history of this bridge. But I might look it up. Searching structural engineering history isn’t my usual thing to do, but it keeps things interesting. Besides, I have a book that ends in San Francisco, so mechanical history might prove useful in the future.
It’s astounding how many people can fit into such a tiny part of this state. Driving around, whether for apartment hunting or for tourism, you begin to see just how many rolling hills there are. They jut up like a mountain peak would, and makes it difficult to lay a foundation onto.
Today I needed a break from searching apartments. I looked up the best places to take photos. But really I just wanted a place to stop and not have to do anything for an hour or so and have a good view on top of it. Searching the Bay Area Discovery Museum gets you a decent parking spot and a pretty damn good view of the Bridge. Just like most of the sites will tell you, you have to get there early enough. If you wait until the afternoon, then forget about it. Apparently I’m an expert now. So there.
I sat there and texted loved ones and even made a joke with my former supervisor. He got a kick out of it. That’s what days like these are for: relaxing, goofing off, creating jokes. While not everyone may agree, I think the Golden Gate Bridge is a beautiful man-made addition to the background.
One of these days I’ll have to take a sunset photo of that Bridge. I give the Golden Gate Bridge four and a half out of five stars.