Packing up for the NAB show was stressful, but ended up being simple. I needed clothes, a book, and my computer along with the associated cables. But what I wasn’t certain about were my allergy medications. Being the over-thinker, I wasn’t sure if I could bring them.
According to TSA, you are allowed to bring medication onto an airplane. But you must allow TSA to screen the bottle. There is no limitation to how much you may bring.
This was my downfall. As soon as I hit ground in the desert that is Las Vegas, I was already suffering from coughs and sneezes. Once I came back, I immediately seemed to come down with a cold. The past several days have been nothing but Day/Nyquill dosages, lots of orange juice, and water consumption. I couldn’t think straight enough to try and write something for either my novel or this blog. Which somehow feels like this current week is out of whack. But I’m trying my best to keep it easy while continuing to produce more chapters and reviews.
There’s not much more to it than this. I’m still dealing with a bit of crud. And that isn’t the end of the world. But it does leave me without energy. We’ll see how tomorrow fairs.